Having a balanced diet is good for your skin. Your food should rich in vitamin C, E that helps to grow new skin. Liver, eggs, milk and fatty fish, fortified cereals and margarine are good sources for your skin.

Drinking water that will moist your skin and hydrated with water and hold a lot. Water to keep the digestive system clean by preventing constipation. This will flush out toxins from the body, it is necessary to keep the skin shiny. Normally drink 8-10 cups of water. It also helps to get rid of dark circles around the eyes.
7-8 hours of sleep known as a sleeping beauty. So sleeping is as important as good nutrition. Proper sleep, reduces fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.

Treat most skin problems using sandalwood. Cooling agent, stimulant, and clean blood. It protects the sun rays, act anti-aging agent and keep skin smooth and aromatic. Sandalwood, rashes, spots, freckles and swelling, itching, excessive acne, rashes, skin eruptions effectively.

Take 1cup of gram flour, mix with milk and lime juice (4 drops). Apply the paste in your face and rinse it in few minutes. Follow this for one month you will get good result.

Take a equal quantity of honey and lime juice and stire it well. Apply the mix into your body, relax for 30 minutes and wash it.
Take a equal mixture of almond powder and sandal powder, mix the powder with milk. Apply the mix in the darken area of your skin regularly. Surely you will find some color change in your skin.
Mix cucumber juice and honey at equal amount, Apply the mix all over body and relax for few minutes. Then waste it. It will be helpful to improve fairness.
Take a tomato juice, mix it with yogurt and oatmeal and stir it well. Apply the paste in your face. After few minutes rinse it with cold water.
All the above tips are healthy one for your skin complexion and for your health also Try it and let me know your feed-back after trying it.
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